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Alternative therapy

Preventative and therapeutic health care practices, such as acupuncture, naturopathy, chiropractic, homeopathy and herbal medicine. Generally do not follow accepted medical methods. May not require medical explanations for their success or use.

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Alternative therapy > Homeopathy

Saal an der Donau

Alternative therapy; Diet therapy

Saal an der Donau est une commune de Bavière (Allemagne), située dans l'arrondissement de Kelheim, dans le district de Basse-Bavière.


Alternative therapy; Homeopathy

Homotoxicology is an approach to healing that integrates the treatment principles of homeopathy with the diagnostic approach of allopathic medicine. The goal of treatment in ...

similia similibus curantur

Alternative therapy; Homeopathy

Likes are cured by likes, this is the homeopathic axiom expressing the law of similars or the doctrine that any drug capable of producing detrimental symptoms in healthy ...


Alternative therapy; Homeopathy

Greek etymology: polys = many and chrestos= benefical (useful for many purposes). This term is used when a medicine serves for many uses, or cures many diseases.

thippali/pippali/long pepper for wheezing/asthma

Alternative therapy; Homeopathy

Add thippali/PIPPALI ["Long Pepper or Piper Longum". Piper Longum-BOTANICAL NAME. Get piper longum herbs like piper longum seeds, piper longum roots, piper longum fruits and piper ...

eating habits to reduce asthma/wheezing

Alternative therapy; Homeopathy

You can eat vasamb [ Acorus calamus or Sweet Flag ]& thipali/pippali: you can roast it & grind it & mix with honey & taken every day morning & night before food.This will slowly ...


Alternative therapy; Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his doctrine of like cures like, according to which a substance that causes the ...